
Monday, 10 September 2012

Movie Day

Doubt filled my mind.  I wondered whether or not it was a good idea to enter the room and if the $11 ticket for the movie ‘Ice Age 4’ was worth it.

Hesitantly, I took steps towards the dull black door, grasping the ‘c’ shaped handle I clutched  it securely and pulled it towards me. At that very moment day turned to night and that darkness filled my eyes and momentarily extinguished my ability to see what was in front of me. Fortunately hope was in sight.  My head turned and my eyes found a beam of light from across the room of hell. The silence that seemed to surround me was suddenly broken by the laughter of the crowd.  With a heavy sigh, my brother and I followed the noise and darted like frightened mice to our seats to join the captivated audience.

After the movie we struggled and crawled our way out of the room and finally exited the doorway. We felt very happy and lucky when the movie ended because even though we were late we still saw the best parts of it.


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